CK Khandekar

CK Khandekar

Sr. Product Marketing Manager

As more and more brands recognize the need to localize their customer journeys for different regions of the world, they have two essential pieces of criteria they need to adhere to: Accuracy and Quality.

Sure, brands have some content that is relatively straightforward in meaning. But there is also content that can be open for interpretation or content that needs more considerable attention to detail when translating. This content must be translated correctly and proofread properly to ensure no errors are present.

Two significant hurdles that most brands face when proofreading content is that on top of being extremely manual and time-consuming, there is a likelihood of human error. A mis-spelling, a missing space or word, or an emoji with a derogatory meaning in another market may be missed, as human error is bound to occur with manual proofreading.

Brands need a way to translate their content efficiently, while being assured that their content has been translated accurately for their target market.

Now they can - Introducing Smartling’s Quality Check Profiles!

Quality Check Profiles are a group of automated proofreading checkpoints tailored for specific content. Brands can use Quality Check Profiles to ensure translation and spacing consistency, proper spelling, correct symbol usage, and more!

Easy to set up in the Smartling Dashboard, Quality Check Profiles are assigned to a linguistic package - a group of linguistic assets, including style guide and glossary, that can be used across multiple projects - so that they can be applied to any type of content, allowing for seamless proofreading.

Quality Check Types

With Smartling, brands can create multiple Quality Check Profiles, each tailored for a specific type of content that needs translating. Even more appealing, brands can select from the following types of quality checks to build unique profiles:

Translation Consistency - Tags, numbers, emojis, insertables, legal symbols, and more.

When to consider translation consistency quality checks:

  • You need legal symbols, such as registered trademarks, carried over as-is in the translated content
  • You don’t want the phrase ‘Sweet Sixteen’ translated in Spanish because there is no equivalent phrase in that language

Spacing Quality - Spacing errors and target length limits.

Typical use cases for spacing quality include:

  • You don’t want to carry over the non-breaking spaces in source content for a specific translation
  • Your translated content cannot be more than 50 words

Other Quality Checks - Spell check, source or target in the wrong language, repeated word(s), and more.

Scenarios include:

  • Your translations need to be spelled correctly
  • You need your content translated in the correct language

Learn more about the different types of Quality Checks that Smartling offers.

Assign by Severity

Now there will be some content that will be extremely important to proofread and have translated properly over other types of content. That is why Quality Check Profiles are assigned by severity.

Quality Check Profiles are essentially a group of quality checks with severity level settings for each check. Customers can assign each profile with one of the settings below:

No errors shown in the CAT tool

  • Disabled - Quality checks are disabled

Quality Check enabled with errors shown in the CAT Tool

  • Low Severity - The translator can save and submit work despite the error shown.
  • Medium Severity - A warning is shown in the CAT tool. The translator can either fix or accept the error before saving and submitting.
  • High Severity - This quality check prevents the translator from saving and submitting a string until the error has been resolved.

When a Quality Check is enabled, any errors are shown in a sidebar and in-line alongside the respective string within the CAT Tool, allowing translators to quickly identify which stings need to be addressed.

Learn more about how to create Quality Check Profiles.

About CK

CK Khandekar is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Smartling, responsible for overseeing all go-to-market activities for Smartling's new products and features, and creates content to educate customers and buyers on benefits and best practices of using Smartling's technology and language services. CK has been a part of the Smartling team since 2019 and collectively has over ten years of B2B and B2C marketing experience.

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